Ввод-1. Вписывание v 1.1

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Впиши ответ ⬇

Заполни таблицу, добавляя к глаголу окончание -ing
Глаголы для вписывания: keep, die, take, swim, save, begin, feed, lie, hurt, beg, shave, tie

1 столбец: 'keeping', 'feeding' ,'hurting'
2 столбец: 'taking', 'saving' ,'shaving
3 столбец: 'dying', 'lying' ,'tying'
4 столбец: 'swimming', 'beginning' ,'begging'

+ing -e +ing -ie +y +ing удвоение согласной +ing

Впиши ответ - перевод ⬇

Прочитай предложения и впиши перевод

ответ:'иметь', 'мочь', 'ловить', 'прятать', 'носить'

1. have
2. can
3. catch
4. hide
5. wear

Впиши ответ - перевод ⬇

Прочитай предложения и впиши перевод

1. 'didn't fall' или 'did not fall',
2. 'didn't take' или 'did not take'
3. 'didn't give' или 'did not give'
4. 'didn't choose' или 'did not choose'
5. 'didn't know' или 'did not know'
6. 'didn't hear' или 'did not hear'

1. Goldilocks fell from the big chair. - Goldilocks from the big chair.
2. The magician took the magic lamp from the cave. - The magician the magic lamp from the cave.
3. Gardeners gave red roses to Alice. - Gardeners red roses to Alice.
4. Goldilocks chose the medium plate. - Goldilocks the medium plate.
5. The princess knew that the old lamp was magic. - The princess that the old lamp was magic.
6. Aladdin heard about the magician in the town. - Aladdin about the magician in the town.